Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Equal Rights?

To the supporters of Proposition 8 and similar legislation:

Yes, I know it's a little late, but a lot of thought went into this. Plus, I often worked on it late at night, so I stopped when I was getting tired

I am appalled that this country, after all we've been through, is denying a group of people equal rights. I'm going to come right out and say it, the majority does not matter in issues of rights. The idea that a mob mentality can take away the rights of a minority group is disturbing.

Majority rule is the basis of a democracy, but America has this pesky little thing called Equality. The Declaration of Indepence says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." The equality of all people is the foundation of our nation, and to think that any number of people can take that away from anyone is absolutely outrageous.

I might remind you that up until 1967 and the Supreme Court case of Loving v. Virginia, Blacks and Whites were not allowed to marry. What if that case had gone to a vote? Segregation would still be the norm, and interracial marriage would still be considered "immoral." What if emancipation of slaves was left up to a state-by-state vote? It's doubtful that we could have come as far as we have, and slavery might still be legal in the South.

Religious opposition to homosexuality is not, in absolutely any way, a reason to pass legislation in the secular government. I know a lot of religious people will argue with me about the government being secular, but we really have to face the facts. America is not a country based on Christianity. A good number of the founding fathers either were not Christian or were very liberal about their Christianity. Freedom of religion is the reason Europeans came here in the first place, so please don't try to force your beliefs on others. If you think marrying someone of the same sex is a sin, don't marry someone of the same sex. It's simple enough.

It's no secret that I'm an atheist, but I'm going to argue based on Christianity. If God gave each one of us free will, who are we to take that free will away? Can a government made up of people really determine God's will?

No, a civil union is not the same thing. I thought we were done with "separate but equal." I don't think I really need to argue that separate is not equal.

A popular argument is that allowing gay couples to marry would undermine marriage and family values in America. Seriously? Come on, what does marriage really mean? a 50/50 shot is not exactly "till death do us part." And how does a marriage between two men or two women affect straight marriages? Can't we let everyone have that same shot at happiness?

A lot of people are pointing at the violent protests and somehow using that as an implied argument against giving people their rights. Of course we are angry! How can we not be? Violence, for any purpose, is wrong, but can you blame people for being pissed off? We thought that people had realized that rights are for everyone, and then this happens. We find out that since 52% of the people who voted on the issue say so, not everyone can have equal rights. And the violence by protesters is nothing, absolutely nothing, compared to the violence committed against gays in this country.

Hate is not what the world needs right now. We need love, understanding, tolerance. We need to accept people as they are. Let people do as they wish, as long as it doesn't hurt you. If something is against your beliefs, don't do it. Don't get offended because someone thinks differently than you. Take time to understand others. Realize that the world is a diverse place. Don't fear, embrace.